What Does the Value Equation Look Like in Today's Mining Sector?
For several years now the mineral exploration and development business, along with the mining sector as a whole, have faced difficult headwinds brought on, in part by the excesses of the lofty heights reached between 2005 and 2010. In the gold sector, a focus on "ounces produced" vs. profits produced led to the exposure of investors to poor quality (typically lower grade), high ounce count assets, often in high risk jurisdictions.
Balmoral, like its predecessor companies, is focused on the discovery and delineation of high quality (read: higher grade, higher potential margin) assets in proven, low political risk mining districts. We focus solely in jurisdictions where there is a district premium, rather than a jurisdictional discount to valuation - places where producing companies want to operate. Our team has a strong geological bias to those mining districts which have an extensive history of producing high-margin/profit assets, regions on the low end of the exploration and development cost spectrum, and on the assembly of larger, "district scale" exploration opportunities.
Thus our current, singular focus on the Abitibi greenstone belt in the Canadian province of Quebec. Outside the Witwatersrand Basin in South Africa, no other area on Earth has generated as much wealth from the extraction of gold ores as the Abitibi. With total historic production now exceeding 130 million ounces of gold, the Abitibi is renowned for high-grade gold deposits which exhibit tremendous vertical continuity, high profit margins, and well understood "big picture" controls. Add to that an exceptional secondary endowment of base metal and specialty metal opportunities, and you will find that most the world's major mining companies are currently, or have been active, in the Abitibi.
Balmoral follows a time tested and proven model of aggressive, drill focused exploration driven by the latest geophysical techniques, geochemical methods, and geological models. Our success in identifying several promising mineral discoveries in a belt which has been extensively explored for over a century speaks both to the incredible mineral endowment of the belt and the excellent work done by our exploration team.
All of our hard work and success in the field means nothing however without the ability to communicate with the investing public and our shareholders. We pride ourselves in our ability to clearly and concisely communicate with our shareholders, and to create value through the exploration process. We continue to work hard to expand our shareholder base and to expose Balmoral to new markets and opportunities. We can promise a solid effort on all fronts as we move forward.
So what does the value equation look like?
World Class Geological Potential + Low Political Risk + Sound Geological Sleuthing + Hard Work + Outstanding Shareholder Support + A Pinch of Luck = the Discovery of High Quality Mineral Deposits = the Creation of Shareholder Value